Tag Archives: Azure

Azure Service Bus, Cheaper By The Hour
A new announcement from Microsoft shows how the billing for Azure Service Bus is changing from daily and monthly to hourly billing for standard and premium tiers; thus moving them closer to a usage model that closes the pricing gap between constantly used resources and rarely used resources. One thing I’ve always loved about Microsoft…

2018 – Azure Global Bootcamp Survey Results

ARM Templates For MAC – A Call For Feature Parity
Call To Action Come one, come all. We are rallying for Microsoft to add features to allow Mac users of Visual Studio 2017 and onward to install the Azure SDK installation bundled with PowerShell so Mac users will be able to deploy ARM templates as they would in Windows. The Case For those of you…

Azure Monitor Voice Calling, Coming To A Cell Phone Near You!
Finally, a feature that I have long awaited….. Azure Monitor Voice Call is not in GA! So for those not familiar with Azure Monitor, there are some really great features that allow for plugging into the monitoring infrastructure to fire certain events. Such as using alerts to trigger automated actions like autoscale, webhooks, emails, or…