Category Archives: Featured

ARM Templates For MAC – A Call For Feature Parity
Call To Action Come one, come all. We are rallying for Microsoft to add features to allow Mac users of Visual Studio 2017 and onward to install the Azure SDK installation bundled with PowerShell so Mac users will be able to deploy ARM templates as they would in Windows. The Case For those of you…

Azure Monitor Voice Calling, Coming To A Cell Phone Near You!
Finally, a feature that I have long awaited….. Azure Monitor Voice Call is not in GA! So for those not familiar with Azure Monitor, there are some really great features that allow for plugging into the monitoring infrastructure to fire certain events. Such as using alerts to trigger automated actions like autoscale, webhooks, emails, or…

An Apple A Day – Day 1
The journey has been long but I have arrived. I am calling this series “An Apple A Day”. After nine faithful years to Andriod, my journey has brought me to Apple’s doorstep. Now don’t get me wrong moving over was one of the hardest things I have ever done… or so I thought. My career…

I can see clearly now, the console’s on!
Azure has finally released a public preview of a long anticipated feature: Virtual machine serial console This is an amazing day for a lot of reasons, the first being we will finally have visibility what happens on the machines before the OS loads! With a few clicks you will also now have access to the…

Azure DevOps Projects – Part 1
People often ask me why I choose Azure and what’s so great about it. Being in the DevOps field I always lead with the fact that not only does Windows support Windows services as PaaS for virtually every area of IT, they also support a very broad set of other languages as well. Gone are…