An Apple A Day – Day 11

Practical Life Use

Short but useful is today’s theme!

iPad & The Car

I had to do some car repairs and used the phone to look up videos on car repair and tried out a dash command program. For those not familiar with these types of programs, they are apps that allow you to create dashboards of metrics from your car’s computer. Unfortunately, Apple needs a specific Bluetooth OBD2 sensor that’s been certified by Apple. I went ahead and purchased this on Amazon will try again when it gets here.

I also setup up Bluetooth for iPhone and the Pandora audio capability to my Kenwood Stereo. Everything works really well. It took a minute to pair but after that life was good and as an added bonus it automatically pairs when I get into the car. Now I have the ability to talk on the phone as well. It’s pretty nice vs. fighting with radio controls to turn things down every time I get a call while driving. This is going to take some getting used to.

iPad & eBay

I also did a little bit of selling on my favorite auction site, eBay. The native app was nice and met most of my needs. It’s got a little bit of a clunky interface around the seller side of eBay but the buying side is obviously tuned and perfected.

Miscellaneous Tasks

  1. I then spent some time responding to some social media posts. The native apps are nice to jumbo right into and reply directly to a notification of someone’s message and hop back out and into something else.

2. Finally, I verified all my audiobooks had been indeed migrated and then deleted Audible, as it was no longer needed. My feature needs were pretty simple, allowing me to pick up where I left off when I come back to listen to my audiobook again. Plus I am ready to be rid of the fact that every time my AirPods or any external audio device synced with my phone it would auto start my audiobook with Audible if it was in the background. It was a super annoying feature I hadn’t found a way to turn off. Other than that I have no qualms about Audible, I just preferred to have everything in one place for ease of use. Less apps, less space used and less icons to manage on my devices.

Thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow!

Click Here for the Next Installment in this Series…

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