An Apple A Day – Day 15
Sorry everyone, unfortunately, my wife said the pool experiment was a no go. Apparently, I’m not allowed to throw a $1500 device in the water overnight and see if what they said was true. But if you’re interested in the answer, boy have I got a video for you.
So let’s kick off the day with something simple first. I’m in the market for a way to remotely present as holding a 12.9-inch screen for an entire hour + long presentation makes me really nervous. So after a short search, I came across these:
Basic iPad Pro Bluetooth Clicker – Satechi Bluetooth Presenter – $50
Ridiculously Feature Rich Clicker – Logitech Spotlight Presentation Remote – $130
- The spotlight has the added bonus of the pixel highlight so it’s way better than a laser pointer. Check out this page with videos of it in action. Only bad news, the spotlight feature as they call it doesn’t work in iDevices, only on Mac and Windows as it requires software.
Chrome & Apple
So I moved to Chrome as my main browser and blog articles are now easier to author and much less buggy after moving to Chrome.I also have the added benefit of synced websites with a Google account. Worth the download.
iPad & PowerPoint Creation
I went back to my PC to see how fast it would be to create a 10 slide PowerPoint vs. doing it on the iPad with the Pen. As long as the PowerPoint isn’t graphics heavy on every page there wasn’t a noticeable difference. Slight advantage to the PC because a mouse will be a touch any day of the week for precision.
Personal Notes
My Apple Watch is awesome and is servicing me well. It is helping keep up with my exercise and I almost closed my first 3 rings for Activity yesterday but missed it by 8 minutes of vigorous walking as it told me. Then this morning it encouraged me that I could do it again today.
I do like that my watch will encourage me based on previous performance. My wife uses these features to a much greater degree than I do. I will say I love the breathe app. Reminding you to take a moment to breathe really does help with focus and handling stress. Thanks again Apple for making my life even 60 seconds less stressful.
- Note: I also enjoy the auto responses on my watch to texts what people send me. Now I need to see if I can add my own custom replies in. Be on the lookout for this in the future.
Next, for the day, I was curious if there were any good streaming services for games for iPad. The games on iPad are mostly boring or grouped into the same genre of games that just feel reskinned from one to another.
That’s probably a sore point for some that like a lot of variety. Currently, there are no real strong contenders on the game front to play on an iPad vs. PC. Here’s all I could find if you want to stream games from your desktop to the iPad:
Moonlight – NVIDIA Video Card (GPU Render)
Kinoconsole – ATI Video Cards (CPU Render)
Neither was really near the parity I hoped for. I think I’ll stick to Parallels, they have an experimental game mode that I found some success using. Once again, no mouse makes it really hard to compare to a PC.