Category Archives: DevOps

Continuous Delivery Architecture, A Rainbow of Tools
The Age of Architecture Architecture is one of those universal roles that no matter the job, its critical you have a good understanding of the architecture to be successful in both development and operations. As with any architectural role, there are so many moving parts that if you can’t see the machine for the cog…

Open Source DevOps PowerShell Module
There’s a growing need for automation to implement skeleton projects for DevOps deployments and application migrations. It requires a fair amount of finesse and some scripting magic. So for this need, I created the start of a small PowerShell module to help solve that problem. The Pledge A colleague a while back contacted me and…

Azure DevOps Projects – Part 1
People often ask me why I choose Azure and what’s so great about it. Being in the DevOps field I always lead with the fact that not only does Windows support Windows services as PaaS for virtually every area of IT, they also support a very broad set of other languages as well. Gone are…