Cloud Comparison Tool
Here’s a tool to help you compare clouds and services.

Azure DevOps Projects – Part 1
People often ask me why I choose Azure and what’s so great about it. Being in the DevOps field I always lead with the fact that not only does Windows support Windows services as PaaS for virtually every area of IT, they also support a very broad set of other languages as well. Gone are…

Service Bus Scripts
Azure Service Bus is an easy and simple way to get started in the cloud messaging space when you need a highly-reliable cloud messaging service between your applications and services. I recently had someone ask if there were some simple scripts they could use to get started as they weren’t too interested in the portal…

Epoch To Windows Time Conversion
I recently had a peer reach out and ask if there was a simple way to convert Epoch to Windows time. Being the quick thinker and lover of PowerShell I was I quickly responded with a resounding – YES! I told him, “Send me an Epoch (Unix) time and I’ll convert it in a jiffy.” and so he…