An Apple A Day – Day 6
Another Day, Another Dollar
So, here’s a breakdown of my day. It’s my first full day in the workforce with my new devices. Will it measure up to a laptop or will it be a lapflop?
First thing this morning, it was a painful setup for email because this client uses SecureMail vs. regular Outlook email, this is a pain point for the email not Apple.
Next, had to finish a training class, unfortunately, training classes required internet explorer (Who Does This?), for some reason they don’t render properly in Safari or Chrome, only IE on my laptop. Of course!
Moving on, the wireless worked as expected and WebEx and Skype for Business were working beautifully. Unfortunately, wireless speeds are dinosaur slow today causing parallels to not work well at all. No VPN, so it’s just a wireless speed thing I guess. Will try this throughout the week and see if things get better.
Alright not going as smoothly as I had hoped so I tried my AirPods but these do not pair to Windows Laptop or at least in the few minutes I tried they didn’t work. Moral of the story here is Apple products like Apple products!
Also, as I am typing on the Logitech Slimline Combo Keyboard/Case/ Pen Holder I have for my IPad I keep having to get used to no backspace key. There instead is a lock button. So every time I backspace I locked the screen. Grrrrr…..this will take some getting used to.
The Finale’
Finally, at the end of my day, the battery is at 10% from a 57% charge at the beginning of the day. This was 8.5h into my day. Not bad, much better than any other laptop I’ve had so far.
All in all a really great day, some hiccups with proprietary software and network conditions but otherwise pretty smooth, nothing that wouldn’t have impacted a laptop as well. Strangely enough the new laptop I had actually started giving me problems and the display failed. So glad I started this journey when I did, I guess just one more reason to make sure I put this iPad through its paces as a replacement. I’d say the first “real” day of work went fairly well.
Thanks for stopping by and if you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear them! See you tomorrow…
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