An Apple A Day – Day 2
Day 2 of my Apple journey is here and we’re off to a good start. I got a recommendation from someone for Parallel’s Access and I have to say at first blush this was the best $20 I’ve spent this year.
So far the user experience for me has been overwhelmingly great, it just works. While I’ve always been the typical Android fanboy, I can finally see what the fuss is all about.
We all know how important being able to access your email is. I rolled all my email into the Mail app vs. several other apps I used to use. The experience is different, but having one place to get everything is nice and it has all the features I’ve been used to. Although I wish I could swipe to delete and not be forced to archive for GMail. The one app vs 3 I had on Android is a much-welcomed change. We’ll see how it goes in the coming days.
The App Store
Today I decided to try out a few new things and see how the app store differs from Android. I also wanted to test the Apple experience outside of the iPad and I was impressed with the Apple support and ease of use. I am, however, gonna miss a rooted device! Apple doesn’t seem to have the same sensational App Store and games feel it used to and I had a hard time finding anything that interested me game wise and was a little disappointed by the fact there is not a Humble Bundle equivalent for iOS. I briefly read a little into how I could merge a lot of the apps I used on Android into Apple or other app equivalents like Samsung Notes into Wunderlist or Audible and Kindle into iBooks. A task for another day perhaps.
If you have any questions or curious about anything feel free to leave comments below and I’ll be happy to look into them for you and get back to you with an answer. Until tomorrow…
I still use Kindle and Audible – they work well for me so I did not try to move them over… They work great on iOS!
Yeah I tried both and they worked well. I thought for the sake of not being biased, I tried what was built it to see if it would be a suitable replacement.